صفحه اصلی / آکادمی زبان / مکالماتی درخصوص خدمات استخر درهتل
مکالماتی درخصوص خدمات استخر درهتل - تصویر 1

مکالماتی درخصوص خدمات استخر درهتل

ایجاد شده: 7/اسفند/1397       آخرین ویرایش: 12/اسفند/1397

🏨Asking about the Swimming Pool


👤 Is there a swimming pool in this hotel?

🤵🏻 We don't have a full-sized swimming pool, but we do have individual swim stations.

👤What exactly does that mean?

🤵🏻Basically, a swim station is like a treadmill, except instead of running, you swim.

👤That sounds really neat. Is there an extra charge for these swim stations?

🤵🏻If you're a registered guest, you have free access to our swim stations.

👤Are the swim stations open 24 hours, like the rest of the gym?

🤵🏻To conserve electricity, the stations operate only from 7:00 a.m. till 10:00 p.m. 

👤I'll go down there as soon as I can!

🤵🏻I don't think you'll be disappointed. People really seem to like the swim stations.


👤Does this hotel have a pool?

🤵🏻I'm sorry, sir, we don't have one. However, in our gym, we do have swim stations.

👤I'm not sure I understand.

🤵🏻Think of a deep bathtub that you can swim in, but against a current.

👤Cool. What will they think of next? How much are they?

🤵🏻Sir, guests pay nothing to use the stations.

👤Excellent! Now what are the hours?

🤵🏻The gym is open 24/7, but the stations are open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. only.

👤I'm going to change into my trunks right now!

🤵🏻I think you'll like the experience, sir. It's a great workout.


👤 Do you have a swimming pool in this hotel?

🤵🏻We don't have a pool, sir, but we do have swim stations in the gym.

👤I never heard of a swim station. Is that like a train or bus station?

🤵🏻It's just a deep bathtub with a current of water that you swim against.

👤Holy cow! I never heard of such a thing. How much do they cost?

🤵🏻As a guest, sir, you pay nothing.

👤This sounds better every second. Now, when can I use the stations?

🤵🏻If you want to swim, you can visit the gym any day between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. 

👤Oh, boy! This is going to be great. I'm going to the gym right now!

🤵🏻I'm sure you'll enjoy your workout, sir. Everyone seems to like the swim stations.


👤I think I've looked everywhere, but I haven't seen a swimming pool here.

🤵🏻This hotel has no full-size pool, but we do have swim stations in our gym.

👤Swim stations? Whoever heard of such a thing?

🤵🏻You swim in a swim station just like you run on a treadmill.

👤All that exercise in a little pool! Do I have to pay anything?

🤵🏻The swim stations are available to all guests for no charge.

👤Very good. Now can you tell me the hours of operation?

🤵🏻They're available anytime between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., seven days a week.

👤Wow! I can't wait to change into my trunks!

🤵🏻The swim stations are very popular, sir. I hope you don't find a line down there.

👤I've been looking for a swimming pool, but I haven't found one yet.
🤵🏻We have no pool, sir, but we do have swim stations in our gym.
👤Swim stations? Could you be a little more explicit?
🤵🏻You know how you run on a treadmill but don't go anywhere? Well, it's the same thing.
👤Gee, that's a great idea. Now, how much do I have to pay?
🤵🏻The stations are absolutely free to guests, sir.
👤Great! Now, when can I go down there and use the stations?
🤵🏻The swim stations are open daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
👤Boy, oh boy! I can't wait to change into my swim trunks.
🤵🏻Be warned, sir. At certain hours the swim stations are very crowded.

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