صفحه اصلی / آکادمی زبان / کجا و چطور از And استفاده کنیم

کجا و چطور از And استفاده کنیم

ایجاد شده: 30/مهر/1397       آخرین ویرایش: 1/آبان/1397

 کجا و چطور از And استفاده کنیم

How to use And👉🏻

⚜And is one of the seven coordinating conjunctions. It joins together words, phrases and clauses that are grammatically similar. And is used between the words or clauses that it joins.  

*He ordered a beer and a sandwich. 

*She was tall and thin.  

*I sat and listened to live music.  

*My first cousin and his wife's father both work at the same institution.  

*I turned the handle and the door opened.  

✅Instead of to 
In spoken English And is used after verbs such as go, come, try, write, etc. to show the purpose of an action.  
*Come and see me soon.  
*Let's go and find your bag.  
*I'll try and do my best. 

✅For emphasis 
You use and between two words that are the same in order to give special importance to something.  

*More and more people are using social media.  
*We discussed the problem for hours and hours! 
*The little boy cried and cried. 

✅At the beginning of a sentence 
In spoken English you start a sentence with and to introduce a comment, statement, question, etc.  

*'I told him what happened.' 'And what was his reaction?' 

✅In numbers 
When you say numbers (not dates) aloud, you use and after the words hundred, thousand and before the last number. 

205: two hundred and five 
733: seven hundred and thirty three 
5, 861: five thousand, eight hundred and sixty one 

✅And is also used between whole numbers and fractions.  
5³/₄: five and three quarters 

You use and in calculations to show that one number is added to another 
2 and 6 makes 8.

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