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لوازم ضروری که باید در اتاق های هتل موجود باشد

لوازم ضروری که باید در اتاق های هتل موجود باشد

Top 12 Things That Should Be In Every Hotel Room ⚜️As someone who spends well over 100 nights a year in hotels, I thought it was high time to put together a post with my thoughts about what every hotel room should offer (and what they definitely should not) in addition to all the basics like free WiFi, good personalized A/C and heating, and, you know, running water. Some of these are obvious – with the proliferation of lightweight laptops, smartphones, tablets and more, every hotel room should have an abundance of power outlets – while others might be more TPG-specific. However, these are things I’d like to see in every hotel room I book in the future, and feel free to share your own wish list below. 🔷1. Power outlets galore. As I mentioned, we all travel with tons of gadgets these days, from computers and tablets to phones, cameras, music players and more, and the one thing they all have in common is that they must be charged. So it’s astonishing to me how many hotels still lack more than one or two outlets for guest use – you know, where lamps, phones and other odds and ends aren’t already plugged in. Not only that, but every hotel room should have bedside outlets. So many people tote their computers to bed to work while on the road for business, and so many use their Smartphones as alarm clocks (probably because hotel alarm clocks can be so byzantine to operate) that it just makes sense to have outlets near the bed that you can access without ripping the mattress away from the wall. Tons of lamps even come with outlets in their bases to make things easier. Hotels, take note, this should be a standard feature in your rooms. 🔷2. A Nespresso machine. Call me a caffeine fiend, but I believe that every hotel room should have some sort of miniature coffee or espresso machine. Oftentimes, that’s all I want in the morning before grabbing something on the go from a lobby shop or a nearby cafe. I just want to be able to enjoy my first cup of the day in my room as I go through emails and my calendar without having to get dressed, leave the hotel and pick up coffee somewhere else. Or tea. Put in an electric kettle and some tea bags for the tea-drinkers out there. Who knows, maybe I’ll be feeling so productive I’ll order room service and up your revenue with a full-on breakfast if I feel like I’m getting a lot done. 🔷3. A shower that doesn’t take advanced calculus to figure out how to work. Hotel showers can be glorious. Indoor showers, outdoor showers, showers with 12 showerheads, steam showers, rainfall showers…they’re all just wonderful. Except for one thing: so many of them are impossible to operate! Personally, I’m an old-fashioned, one knob for cold water and one for hot and you turn them to adjust the pressure and balance of temperature kind of guy. But so many hotel showers these days have temperature controls, pressure controls, controls to determine which showerhead is operating…I often find myself getting blasted with a rocket of cold water from one direction and volley of scalding drops from another these days. I mean, I love options as much as the next person, but can we please make these things easier to operate so I can get in, clean up and get out? And not to be too American about this, but would it be possible to include both Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures on the knobs? I can do simple arithmetic on the fly with the best of them, but I don’t want to have to panic and try to figure out why 47 degrees is so hot. 🔷4. Toothbrush and toothpaste. Call it a symptom of always being on the road, but I forget a toothbrush and toothpaste a lot when I travel and it would be such a nice surprise to find a mini travel kit in my hotel room when I arrive. If airlines can do it in amenity kits – and I’m not just talking business  and first class ones here, but some airlines offer it in economy as well – then hotels can provide a mini oral hygiene set to guests. 🔷5. Free water bottles. It’s midnight. You’re off a really long flight. You’re parched. All the stores are closed. All you want is a bottle of water, especially if you’re in a place where the water might not be potable for you. Any water will do – it doesn’t have to be Evian – but your only choices are in the minibar and they each cost $10. Why is that? Hotels need to start offering guests two free water bottles per day (that’s the other thing – even if you get a couple free bottles, it’s a one-time thing with a lot of hotels – once you drink them that’s it!). We would all appreciate it, and it’s such a simple provision. 🔷6. A room service menu that doesn’t take 20 clicks on the TV screen to navigate and order from. This is another old-fashioned quirk of mine, but as much as I love new technology, sometimes just having a paper menu and calling down to room service is just so much easier than trying to learn to navigate a hotel’s “state of the art” television ordering system. If you’re going to put such a system in place, put an iPad in my room and let me order from there, which is so much easier. 🔷7. Blackout drapes. While I appreciate a good fabric pattern as much as the next guy, when it comes to draperies, the one thing I’m unwilling to compromise on in a guest room is blackout drapes. Especially if you’ve flown overnight and arrive very early in the morning and need a few hours of sleep during daylight, blackout drapes can be a godsend to getting on the right time zone. Even if you’re not traveling far, sleeping in a new place can throw you off, so having a dark, undisturbed place to sleep is a good way to make sure you get the rest you need. 🔷8. No decorative bed pillows. Every hotel room these days seems to be operating with a white-on-white palette…well, maybe with a shade of beige or taupe thrown in. Decorative pillows can be a nice way to add a splash of color to the room…but before you go plumping yours up, think about this: you can’t wash a decorative pillow. That’s right – those pillows have been sitting there since the day they were put in the room, and goodness knows how many germ-covered hands have handled them, if they’ve been thrown around the room or tossed on the floor, or what. So I wish hotels would just use washable decorative covers on their regular-size pillows and leave the little pillows to private homes. 🔷9. A decent luggage rack. It seems like it’s been a while since we were all bombarded with alarmist stories about bedbugs invading the major metropolises of the world – and I know I was obsessively checking my luggage and clothes for the little critters for a while there. These vermin are still a threat, so one thing I’d like to see in every room is a full-size luggage rack, preferably built into the closet. I can’t count how many times I’ve just had to put my suitcase on the floor, or just on a folding rack in the middle of the room when it should have been possible to make a shelf in the closet for my suitcase…all a safe distance away from any possible bedbug infestation. 🔷10. Abundant hangers, and not those that don’t come off bar. I’m a bit of a clothes horse, and though I pack light (I’ve been known to make do with what I can fit in a carry on for trips as long as 3 weeks), I still like to bring some nice things along with me (especially on business trips) and I need to hang them up so they don’t get wrinkled, but it seems like every hotel has decided that they will only have approximately 4 hangers in the closet. Not only that, but some hangers these days don’t even come off the bar – like, at all – so I end up having to contort my clothes just to get them on in the first place. Hotels: I am not going to steal your old hangers anyway (how would I even pack them?) – just put a bunch more in and make sure they’re user-friendly! 🔷11. A door to the bathroom that closes (I’m looking at you, W!). One of the biggest trends in hotel bathrooms for the past several years has been the peekaboo bathroom with only a window (sometimes with glass and sometimes without!) separating it from the main room, while other bathrooms don’t have actual closing doors. I don’t care how close you are to the person you’re sharing a room with, or even if you’re traveling alone, but you need a little separation and privacy. And for that matter, what’s with all the open showers with just a pane of glass separating them from the main bathroom rather than an enclosed space? The only thing that accomplishes is getting your floor all wet, and it doesn’t save much space. All I want is a private, dry bathroom to get clean and go about my business. Is that so much to ask? 🔷12. Better Do Not Disturb Signs. We all like our privacy when we travel, and one of the simplest yet most integral parts of the hotel experience is that “do not disturb” sign. But how often have you found a tattered, frayed or ripped one hanging on your door? One minor innovation I love is the electronic DND sign where you can just hit a button and it illuminates a red light on your door that lets the staff know you want your privacy. Some hotels even have it bedside so you don’t have to pad to the door to light it up. And while we’re on the subject of signs, can we please get rid of the ones that have “do not disturb” on one side and “please make up my room” on the other? It’s so easy to hang the wrong side up and just as your falling asleep for a nap or getting dressed for dinner you get a knock on the door from housekeeping. No thank you!

ایجاد شده: 17/اسفند/1397       آخرین ویرایش: 12/مرداد/1398     آکادمی زبان
امتیاز هتل ها چیست؟

امتیاز هتل ها چیست؟

?WHAT DO HOTEL RATINGS MEAN 🔷In everywhere , a system is used to rate a hotel. One star is the lowest rating, and five stars is the highest score. While knowing the best and worst scores is helpful, knowing the meaning of hotel star ratings is much more beneficial. ✨Here is a general interpretation of the hotel's rating system: ⭐️One-Star:  A one-star rating often means a property with no frills and only offers basic accommodation. A one-star rating does not necessarily mean a hotel is dirty, unclean or in a bad location. It simply means you'll have a place to sleep, and that's pretty much it. ⭐️⭐️Two-Star:  Like one-star hotels, two-star properties are typically more affordable than hotels that have a higher rating - they are also usually quite comfortable. ⭐️⭐️⭐️Three-Star:  Three-star hotels usually have some unique amenities and provide quality service. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Four-Star:  Four-star hotels are often noted for their upscale quality and extraordinary comfort. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Five-Star:  A five-star property provides flawless guest services in a state-of-the-art facility. As a five-star property, such as premium dining options and personalized services to its guests. With no detail being overlooked, these hotels commonly even provide high-end, luxury toiletries for guests.

ایجاد شده: 17/اسفند/1397       آخرین ویرایش: 12/مرداد/1398     آکادمی زبان
تفاوت های هتل و متل همراه با تصویر

تفاوت های هتل و متل همراه با تصویر

What is the difference between Hotel and Motel ?   ⚜️There are several differences between hotel and motel– not only are they placed out differently and offer different services, they employ different amounts of staff and have large disparities in terms of price. 🔶Hotel: A hotel provides paid lodging to travellers and may also offer several other services or amenities, such as a restaurant, swimming pool, and/or spa. Many hotels are also organised to hold conferences and meetings, thus making them suitable locations for business meetups. A rating system of one to five stars exists to compare the quality of hotels and their amenities. 🔸Definition: An establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis only and provides many amenities to guests which may increase their lodging satisfaction. 🔸Appearance: Single, Multi-storied, or Varies; has rooms that open to interior of the building. 🔸Cost: Generally, hotels are more expensive than Motels- however prices range with star-ratings, room types, location, amenities, nicer accommodations/rooms, etc. 🔸Location: Located anywhere within a city or village. Often near airports, business districts, downtown areas, attractions, vacation areas, freeways, within/near casinos, sports arenas, and other places. 🔸Amenities: As compare to motel, hotels have more amenities- like 1 or more pools (indoor and/or outdoor), fitness centre, jacuzzi, arcade/game room, business centre, banquet/meeting facilities, Wi-Fi, different room levels (standard, premium, family suites, jacuzzi suites, etc), among others. 🔷Motel: Motel is a word derived from the term "motorist's hotel." This was a term used to indicate when a hotel provided ample parking, a feature that is mostly useful to Americans and Canadians who regularly travel long distances on major highway and interstate systems. Primarily, motel rooms had doors that faced the parking lot, making coming and going especially easy. Now, this may or may not be the case, as some motels now have inward-facing doors that connect to common areas. 🔹Definition: An establishment that provides short-term and long-term lodging usually located with good access to the national road network but with less guest comforts. 🔹Appearance: Single, or double storied building with connected rooms; has open walkways, exterior entrances. 🔹Cost: Often Less expensive than Hotels due to less amenities, basic rooms, locations, etc. 🔹Location: Generally situated on highways, but can also be found near outskirts of towns, several places where you would find hotels, rural areas, and other places. 🔹Amenities: Minimal amenities- generally no pools (outdoor if there is one), jacuzzi, business or fitness centres, or any other amenities listed under hotels.  

ایجاد شده: 17/اسفند/1397       آخرین ویرایش: 18/فروردین/1398     آکادمی زبان
مکالماتی در خصوص درخواست تاکسی در هتل

مکالماتی در خصوص درخواست تاکسی در هتل

Getting a Taxi via the Front Desk ‏1️⃣Conbersation  👤I need to get a taxi. 🤵🏻We have a variety of transportation services. Would you prefer a private vehicle to a taxi? 👤No, that won't be necessary. I just need a taxi. 🤵🏻Perhaps you'd prefer a limousine. That's such a stylish way to travel. 👤Just a taxi, please. 🤵🏻And what is your destination? 👤I'm going to Rockefeller Center. 🤵🏻I see. What time do you want to depart from the hotel? 👤I want to leave as soon as possible. 🤵🏻Okay, a taxi will arrive in seconds, sir. 👤Thank you, I'm coming down now. 🤵🏻It won't be but a few seconds, sir. 2️⃣Conbersation 👤I need a taxi, please. 🤵🏻We have various transportation services. Would you prefer a private vehicle? 👤No, thanks. A taxi is just fine. 🤵🏻May I suggest a limo? It's nice to pamper yourself once in a while. 👤I don't want anything except a taxi, thank you. 🤵🏻I understand. And where will you be going? 👤Rockefeller Center. 🤵🏻And what time would you like to be picked up? 👤The sooner the better. 🤵🏻A taxi will be here shortly, sir. 👤Great! And remember, a taxi, not a limo. 🤵🏻A taxi it is, sir. 3️⃣Conbersation 👤Can you get me a taxi? 🤵🏻We offer various types of transportation. Perhaps you'd like to upgrade to a private vehicle? 👤Thanks, but no thanks. A taxi will do just fine. 🤵🏻In that case, how about a limo? Then you can travel in style. 👤No, I hate limousines. They're gas guzzlers. 🤵🏻Got it, sir. Where would you like the taxi to take you? 👤My destination is Rockefeller Center. 🤵🏻What time do you want to leave the hotel? 👤As soon as possible. 🤵🏻I'll call the taxi immediately, sir. 👤I'm coming downstairs now. 🤵🏻A brand new taxi is pulling up now, sir. 4️⃣Conbersation 👤I'm going to need a taxi. 🤵🏻You don't have to restrict yourself to a taxi. We can offer you a private vehicle. 👤A private vehicle, huh? No, a taxi is okay. 🤵🏻Some people find a limo to be much more comfortable than a taxi. 👤No, I wouldn't be caught dead in a limo. 🤵🏻No upgrade of any kind. And where might you be going? 👤I'm headed to Rockefeller Center. 🤵🏻When shall I tell the taxi to be here? 👤Right now. 🤵🏻The taxi will be here immediately, sir. 👤Good, I'm leaving my room in about one minute. 🤵🏻You won't have to wait a second, sir.

ایجاد شده: 17/اسفند/1397       آخرین ویرایش: 18/فروردین/1398     آکادمی زبان
مکالماتی در خصوص درخواست تسهیلات در هتل

مکالماتی در خصوص درخواست تسهیلات در هتل

Asking for More Amenities 1️⃣Conversation  👤I'd like to request some more amenities. 🤵🏻Amenities? What do you mean by amenities, sir? 👤The free stuff, you know, the soap, lotion, shampoo, etc. 🤵🏻I see. Sir, if I may ask: Have you used up all the amenities in your room? 👤Not at all. I still have enough for the next few days. 🤵🏻Then what is the problem, sir? 👤I need some to keep as souvenirs! 🤵🏻Souvenirs? 👤Yes, souvenirs. Trinkets to remember my trip by! 🤵🏻We do have a souvenir shop on the first floor, sir. 👤That's not the same. I never pay for hotel souvenirs! 🤵🏻I'll call housekeeping. Someone will be up with more amenities shortly. 2️⃣Conversation 👤I need more amenities, please. 🤵🏻Could you be a little more specific, sir? 👤To be more specific, the free stuff, like soap, lotion, and shampoo. 🤵🏻I understand. Now, you're saying that you've already used up all your amenities? 👤No! I've got all I need for my stay here. 🤵🏻So, what's the problem? 👤I need souvenirs! 🤵🏻You want some souvenirs! 👤Yes, yes. Souvenirs. 🤵🏻But, sir, our souvenir shop carries all those items. 👤That's not the same thing. If you buy hotel souvenirs, they have no sentimental value. 🤵🏻I understand, sir. I'll call housekeeping. You'll have your souvenirs shortly. 3️⃣Conversation 👤How do I get more amenities? 🤵🏻I'm sorry, sir. I'm not sure I understand. 👤I'm talking about the free stuff, like soap and shampoo. 🤵🏻Oh, I see. So, you're saying that you've already run out of your amenities. 👤No, no. I've got plenty left. 🤵🏻Now I'm confused again! What is the problem? 👤What am I going to do about souvenirs? 🤵🏻Oh, I get it! You want souvenirs! 👤Yes, I've got enough soap for my use, but no extra soap for souvenirs. 🤵🏻Sir, our souvenir shop carries all those items, and as a guest you get a discount. 👤Please! Free souvenirs are the only true souvenirs. 🤵🏻I understand completely, sir. Housekeeping will bring you souvenirs in just a moment. 4️⃣Conversation 👤Yes, I need more amenities. 🤵🏻By amenities, exactly what do you mean, please? 👤You know, the things that are free, like the soap and the shampoo. 🤵🏻Okay, I got it. You've already run out of all your amenities? 👤No, I still have plenty left, even if I took three baths a day. 🤵🏻I'm more confused now than before. How is there a problem? 👤I need to take home some souvenirs! 🤵🏻Okay, finally I understand. You would like souvenirs! 👤Yes, souvenirs that I can take home and add to my collection. 🤵🏻If it's souvenirs you want, sir, just visit our souvenir shop. It has everything. 👤Are you kidding? Whoever heard of paying for hotel souvenirs? 🤵🏻No problem at all, sir. Housekeeping will deliver you all the amenities you like in a bit.

ایجاد شده: 17/اسفند/1397       آخرین ویرایش: 18/فروردین/1398     آکادمی زبان
مکالماتی در خصوص نگهداری چمدان در هتل

مکالماتی در خصوص نگهداری چمدان در هتل

Storing Luggage for a Few Hours 1️⃣Conversation  👤I'm checking out in about half an hour. 🤵🏻Whenever you're ready to check out, I'll be ready, sir. 👤Great! As you know however, the day in New York has hardly begun. 🤵🏻You're right. It's only 9:00 a.m. 👤Therefore, I think I'll explore New York some more. But I need to store my bags. 🤵🏻Sir, our storage facility is merely $5 an hour. You also need to leave a deposit. 👤My luggage isn't enough of a deposit? 🤵🏻Unfortunately, it isn't. VISA or MasterCard will suffice, though. 👤Let me put on my thinking cap for a moment. 🤵🏻Better hurry, sir. Remember you have to check out in less than half an hour. 2️⃣Conversation 👤I should tell you that I'm checking out in about 30 minutes. 🤵🏻I'm ready when you are, sir. 👤Very good! Now, it's still morning here in New York. 🤵🏻You are so right, sir. The clock just struck nine. 👤I'm going to spend some time exploring the city. What can I do with my luggage? 🤵🏻Sir, right here we have a storage site. Its only $5 an hour, but you need to leave a deposit. 👤A deposit? Isn't my luggage a deposit? 🤵🏻I'm sorry, sir, but it isn't. Your MasterCard or VISA will take care of things nicely. 👤Let me think about this. 🤵🏻Okay, sir. But don't take too long. You only have 30 minutes. 3️⃣Conversation 👤Do you know that I'm checking out in about 30 minutes? 🤵🏻Just say the word, sir. 👤Excellent! Now, as you know, the day has barely begun. 🤵🏻I agree. The dew is still on the grass. 👤I want to hit a few more places in the city, but I need a place to put my luggage. 🤵🏻We do have a storage space for your bags. There's a small charge, plus a deposit. 👤Leave a deposit? Isn't leaving the luggage enough of a deposit? 🤵🏻Regrettably, no. But simply present your VISA to cover your deposit. 👤I'll have to think about this for a second. 🤵🏻Okay, sir, but don't think too long. Your checkout is only 30 minutes away. 4️⃣Conversation 👤In case you didn't know, I'm checking out in half an hour. 🤵🏻That won't be a problem, sir. 👤That's good to hear. Now there's still a whole New York day ahead of me. 🤵🏻You're right, sir. Your whole day is still ahead of you. 👤I still have time to explore more of New York, but I need a place to secure my baggage. 🤵🏻We have a storage place here, but you have to leave a deposit. 👤A deposit, huh? I would think my baggage would be enough of a deposit. 🤵🏻Just present your VISA card, and there won't be any problems. 👤That deposit bothers me. Give me a minute. 🤵🏻Okay, sir, but remember how close it is to your checkout time.

ایجاد شده: 17/اسفند/1397       آخرین ویرایش: 18/فروردین/1398     آکادمی زبان
مکالماتی در خصوص رستوران

مکالماتی در خصوص رستوران

Asking the Concierge for Restaurant Advice 1️⃣Conversation  👤 I need a suggestion for a restaurant here in Manhattan. 🤵🏻Certainly! How much are you planning to spend on dinner, sir? 👤My date's very sophisticated, so I'm sure she would expect nothing but the best. 🤵🏻May I suggest our own hotel restaurant? It got three stars in the latest restaurant review. 👤No, thank you, I want to go out on the town. What other ideas do you have? 🤵🏻There's always Gramercy Tavern. They have live jazz. The food is delicious, but very expensive. 👤That sounds like a good place to take a date. Can you make a reservation for me? 🤵🏻As you wish, sir. You'll have a wonderful time there. 2️⃣Conversation 👤Can you tell me about a nice restaurant to go to? 🤵🏻Of course! How much would you like to spend on your meal? 👤My date is quite sophisticated. She would expect nothing less than the best. 🤵🏻Well, how about our own hotel restaurant? It's conveniently located and has a three-star rating. 👤That's a good idea, except I want to go out, not stay in. Something else, maybe? 🤵🏻Well, how about Gramercy Tavern? It's a very popular tourist spot, with great food and music. 👤That sounds good! Could you call them to see if I can get a reservation? 🤵🏻Of course, sir. You've made a good choice. 3️⃣Conversation 👤So, now I need your help again, if you don't mind. I'm taking a date to a restaurant. 🤵🏻I'd love to help you! What is your budget for the dinner? 👤She strikes me as being very sophisticated. Only the best will do for her. 🤵🏻Well, what do you think about our very own hotel restaurant? It is very upscale, with a three-star rating. 👤I don't want to be cooped up in my own hotel tonight. How about another restaurant? 🤵🏻The Gramercy Tavern is highly rated. It has great food and live jazz, but it's not cheap. 👤Yes, that sounds like a winner. Would you please call them to reserve a table? 🤵🏻I'm already dialing, sir. 4️⃣Conversation 👤I'm taking a date to a restaurant, so could you please direct me to a good one? 🤵🏻But of course! How much are you thinking of spending on dinner? 👤She deserves nothing but the best, of course. 🤵🏻In that case, I would suggest our own hotel restaurant. The chef, the food, and the service are outstanding. 👤I promised her I would take her out to a restaurant. Do you have another one in mind? 🤵🏻You can always go to Gramercy Tavern. It's quite popular, despite its expensive entrees.  👤Great food and lots of patrons? What more could I want? Please reserve a table for me. 🤵🏻Yes, sir. You're going to have a great time.

ایجاد شده: 17/اسفند/1397       آخرین ویرایش: 18/فروردین/1398     آکادمی زبان
آب پاکی رئیس دستگاه گردشگری کشور روی دست شایعه‌سازان / سیاه‌نمایی نکنیم؛ هتل‌ها نرخ مصوب دارند

آب پاکی رئیس دستگاه گردشگری کشور روی دست شایعه‌سازان / سیاه‌نمایی نکنیم؛ هتل‌ها نرخ مصوب دارند

به گزارش هتل‌نیوز ، رئیس سازمان میراث فرهنگی، صنایع دستی و گردشگری کشور با اشاره به اینکه هیچ هتلی حق ندارد خارج از نرخ مصوب شده به ارائه خدمات بپردازد، گفت: هتل‌ها نرخ مشخصی دارند و مردم می‌توانند هر هتلی را که خارج از نرخ‌های مصوب شده قیمت می‌دهند را به شماره تماس 09629 اطلاع دهند. "علی‌اصغر مونسان" اظهار داشت: مناطق آزاد نیز بدانند که تحت نظارت کلی کشور قرار دارند و اینگونه نیست که چون منطقه آزاد هستند هر رقمی را که می‌خواهند، اعلام کنند. از سازمان‌های منطقه آزاد خواهشمندیم تا دستورالعمل‌های ابلاغ شده مبنی بر عدم افزایش قیمت‌ها را رعایت کنند. معاون رئیس‌جمهور در رابطه با شایعات اخیر در خصوص ارائه اتاق‌های رزرو شده از سوی گردشگران خارجی به افراد دیگر نیز گفت: فضای کشور به اندازه کافی مشکل دارد پس لطفا سیاه‌نمایی نکنیم. امکان ندارد این اتفاق افتاده باشد. رئیس دستگاه گردشگری کشور، ادامه داد: در نوروز امسال نیز مانند سال 97 رونق خوبی در گردشگری خواهیم داشت.  وی افزود: حدود یک ماهی است که ستاد هماهنگی خدمات سفر در کل کشور تشکیل شده است و انصافا اینگونه نیست که بر نرخ هتل‌ها هیچ نظارتی نداشته باشیم. مونسان در پایان تاکید کرد: من از مردم دعوت می‌کنم اگر مشکلی مشاهده کردند، شکایت خود را اعلام کنند تا به سرعت پیگیری کنیم.

ایجاد شده: 16/اسفند/1397       آخرین ویرایش: 16/اسفند/1397     اخبار داخلی
بوتیک هتل Nantipa؛ الهام گرفته از اقیانوس و آسمان

بوتیک هتل Nantipa؛ الهام گرفته از اقیانوس و آسمان

به گزارش سروریس اخبار خارجی هتل‌نیوز ، هتل Nantipa در کشور کاستاریکا که در طراحی آن از اقیانوس و آسمان، الهام گرفته شده است با 15 اتاق از میهمانان خود پذیرایی می‌کند. محدوده قیمت اتاق‌های این هتل از 281 پوند برای هر شب اقامت، شروع می‌شود. نام این هتل در زبان قبیله‌ بومی Nicoya به معنای "آبی" است. سوئیت‌ و آلاچیق‌های این بوتیک هتل منحصربفرد که در کنار ساحل قرار گرفته، نمایی بی‌نظیر به اقیانوس یا استخر دارند. رستوران هتل نیز بر روی ساحل قرار گرفته و غذاهای کاستاریکایی اصیل را ارائه می‌دهد. غذاهای دریایی کبابی در منوی این رستوران قابل توجه است و علاوه بر آن امکان سفارش انواع غذاهای محلی نیز وجود دارد. جنگل انبوه در پشت و منظره اقیانوس در مقابل، امکان موج‌سواری، اسب سواری در ساحل، بازدید از آبشار Montezuma و قایق‌سواری به سمت ماسه‌های زیبای ساحل جزیره Tortuga از جمله جاذبه‌هایی است که هر گردشگری را به سمت این هتل می‌کشاند. ساحل مقابل هتل Nantipa دارای صخره‌‎های زیبا و استخرهای کوچک شنا ویژه بازی کودکان است. علاوه بر این استخری 270 متری نیز در مرکز هتل قرار گرفته است.

ایجاد شده: 16/اسفند/1397       آخرین ویرایش: 26/اسفند/1397     اخبار خارجی
جایگاه تبلیغات 1 جایگاه تبلیغات 1

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