به گزارش هتلنیوز ، دومین نمایشگاه بینالمللی و تخصصی هتلداری تحت عنوان HOTEL EXPO با محوریت مدیریت، آموزش، تجهیزات و اقلام مصرفی هتل طی روزهای 3 تا 5 اردیبهشتماه سال 98 در مرکز نمایشگاهی "شهر آفتاب" تهران، برگزار خواهد شد. از جمله مهمترین اهداف برگزاری این نمایشگاه میتوان به موارد زیر اشاره کرد؛ 1 - برقراری ملاقات مسئولان مراکز اقامتی و خدماتی با فعالین اقتصادی و سرمایهگذاران داخلی و خارجی 2 - جذب سرمایههای بالقوه ایرانیان مقیم خارج از کشور 3 - اطلاعات و تبیین قوانین و مقررات سرمایهگذاری در حوزههای مربوطه 4 - معرفی بخشهای مختلف از جمله شرکتهای طراحی و ساخت مراکز اقامتی و ایجاد ارتباط میان آنها 5 - معرفی توانمندیها، پیشرفت، پتانسیلهای موجود و کمک به توسعه اقتصاد پایدار در بخشهای مختلف جهت کسب اطلاعات بیشتر، جزئیات برگزاری و ثبتنام جهت شرکت و بازدید از این نمایشگاه میتوانید از طریق راههای ارتباطی زیر، اقدام فرمائید. شماره تلفن: 02122724900 و 02122724043 شماره فکس: 02122723454 آدرس وبسایت: www.hotelexpo.ir
ایجاد شده: 6/اسفند/1397 آخرین ویرایش: 26/خرداد/1398 رویدادها و نمایشگاههابه گزارش هتلنیوز ، نشست مشترک اعضای هیاتمدیره جامعه هتلداران ایران با "ولی تیموری" معاون گردشگری کشور و مدیران کل جدید دفاتر معاونت گردشگری سازمان میراث فرهنگی، عصر روز گذشته مورخ 5 اسفندماه در سالن "برلیان" هتل پارسیان آزادی تهران، برگزار شد. در ادامه مشروح مهمترین اظهارات اعضای هیاتمدیره جامعه هتلداران ایران به همراه گزارش تصویری اختصاصی هتلنیوز از این نشست را مشاهده میفرمائید. جمشید حمزهزاده؛ رئیس جامعه هتلداران ایران متاسفانه در برخی استانها، مسئولیت کارگروه اقامت و اسکان به روسای آموزش و پرورش واگذار شده است و حتی هتلداران به جلسات ستاد سفر نیز دعوت نمیشوند. آمار گردشگران ورودی افزایش یافته ولیکن میزان اشغال هتلها کاهش یافته است. شهرام شیروانی؛ نایبرئیس جامعه هتلداران ایران و رئیس جامعه هتلداران استان همدان قرار بود موضوع عامل چهارم طرح تطبیق به جامعه هتلداران واگذار شود ولیکن شاهد هیچ اقدامی نیستیم. مشکل اصلی در موضوع خانههای مسافر، مراکز غیرقانونی و افراد غیرمجاز است. نقش سازمان میراث فرهنگی و معاونت گردشگری در موضوع برخورد با خانههای مسافر به عنوان شاکی چیست؟ هتلداران از سوی ادارات کل استانی برای شرکت در نمایشگاه گردشگری، تهدید شده بودند. کامیار اسکندریون؛ دبیر هیات مدیره جامعه هتلداران ایران و رئیس جامعه هتلداران استان زنجان اقامت در مدارس و کلاسهای درس در شان و شخصیت فرهنگیان محترم نیست. حق معلمی که 9 ماه در مدرسه مشغول بکار بوده این نیست که تعطیلات خود را هم در کلاس درس سپری کند. تفویض اختیارات به جامعه هتلداران چه شد و چرا سازمان میراث فرهنگی و معاونت گردشگری از مواضع قانونی خود در خصوص نرخگذاری، کوتاه آمدند؟ حسن سیادتان؛ عضو هیاتمدیره جامعه هتلداران ایران و رئیس جامعه هتلداران استان فارس در شرایط فعلی شاهد تداخل حوزه فعالیت میان هتلها و اقامتگاههای دولتی هستیم. بایستی بر روند فعالیت اقامتگاههای دولتی، نظارت و به بخش خصوصی واگذار شوند. فریدون رئیسی دهکردی؛ عضو هیاتمدیره جامعه هتلداران ایران و رئیس جامعه هتلداران استان چهارمحال و بختیاری در بحث اقامت نوروزی شاهد اسکان مسافران در سالنهای کشتی هستیم!!! در برخی استانها چنان قدرتی به آموزش و پرورش داده شده که به عنوان سیاستگذار اصلی صنعت گردشگری، حکمرانی میکنند. هتلهای کشور طی چند سال آینده گرفتار بازپرداخت وامهای خود خواهند داشت. عبدالحمید حرمتی؛ عضو هیاتمدیره جامعه هتلداران ایران و رئیس جامعه هتلداران استان خوزستان 80 درصد وقت هتلداران درگیر نهادهای دولتی و عمومی است که به صورت غیرقانونی در هتلداری دخالت میکنند. مشکل اصلی اینجاست که نهادهای دولتی خلاف قانون عمل میکنند ادارات دولتی در قانون از داشتن اقامتگاه، منع شدهاند ولیکن شاهد فعالیت و تبلیغات رسمی این مراکز در شهرهای مختلف هستیم. سازمان میراث فرهنگی، فرهنگ ایجاد خانه مسافر را به وجود آورده و تقویت نموده است. جعفر بذری؛ بازرس جامعه هتلداران ایران و رئیس جامعه صنفی مراکز اقامتی استان اردبیل پیشنهاد میکنم موضوع خانههای مسافر به تشکل هتلداری استان واگذار شود که نمونه موفق آن استان اردبیل است. هتلداران سراسر کشور به جای هتلداری در حال جنگ با حاشیهها هستند. رسالت آموزش و پرورش، تعلیم و تربیت فرزندان است و حق ورود و دخالت در هتلداری را ندارد. عباس بیدگلی؛ مدیر اجرایی جامعه هتلداران ایران با وجود گذشت دو سال از برنامه ششم توسعه، تکالیف مورد اشاره در خصوص صنعت گردشگری اجرایی نشده است. از سازمان میراث فرهنگی و معاونت گردشگری تقاضا داریم که به ماده 98 و 100 که در ارتباط مستقیم با صنعت گردشگری است، توجه ویژهای داشته باشند. محمدعلی ابوطالبی؛ مدیرعامل گروه هتلهای پارسیان آسیبپذیری صنعت گردشگری و هتلداری از تورم، بیشتر از سایر حوزهها بوده است. بر اساس پیشبینیها، وضعیت صنعت هتلداری کشور در سال آینده، بدتر و شرایط، سختتر خواهد بود.
ایجاد شده: 6/اسفند/1397 آخرین ویرایش: 6/اسفند/1397 اخبار داخلیHotel conversation questions ◾️Choosing a hotel 🔹What are the advantages and disadvantages of staying at a B&B, a hotel or a motel? 🔹What's the best/worst hotel you've ever stayed at? 🔹What was good/bad about it? 🔹Was it cheap? Good value for money? Expensive? 🔹Have you ever stayed at a luxury hotel? 🔹What was luxurious about it? 🔹Have you ever stayed at a really grottyBrE (unpleasant, dirty) hotel? 🔹What was so grotty about it? 🔹Have you ever stayed at a really exotic hotel, such as a castle or an ice hotel? 🔹Have you ever booked/stayed in a suite? 🔹How far in advance do you like to plan your holidays? 🔹If you use internet to plan your holidays, do you book your hotel before or after you book your flight? 🔹What do you look for when choosing a hotel (choose the three most important)? You've been there before Someone's recommended it to you/you've read about it in a guide, etc. Price Comfort, including accessibility Proximity to airport/station Proximity to city centre/nightlife Peacefulness Gastronomy Air conditioning (in room) Wi-Fi Minibar Animals are allowed Other reasons 🔹Do you always try to look for hotels belonging to the same chain? If so, why? 🔹Which of the following do you take most into consideration when deciding if you like the hotel you've stayed at (choose three)? 🔹Views from the hotel in general (surroundings, restaurant, cafeteria, etc.) View from your room Cleanliness Service, including room service Comfort (accessibility, bed, layout, decoration, etc.) Wi-Fi Extras (TV, vanity kits, slippers, hairdryer, etc.) Food Quietness Swimming pool, spa, gym, sauna, etc. Other reasons ◾️Hotel food 🔹When you stay at a hotel, do you usually choose full board and lodging, half board or just breakfast? Why? 🔹What's your opinion on buffet-style breakfasts and lunches? In your experience, are they good quality for money? Do you think people eat more than they "should", i.e. for their health, when they eat at buffets? 🔹Do you usually eat out when you're on holiday or do you try to get back to the hotel in time for meals? 🔹Have you ever used room service? For a champagne breakfast or for a sandwich in the middle of the night? ◾️Problems with the hotel 🔹In some countries/hotels it's necessary to specify that you want a room with a private bathroom (en suite bathroom). Have you ever stayed at a hotel where you have to use a shared bathroom down the corridor? Did you know about it in advance, or was it a surprise? 🔹Have you ever had to lodge a complaint at a hotel? 🔹About your room? 🔹About anything else? 🔹Have you ever had anything stolen at a hotel? 🔹Have you ever left anything behind and had to get the hotel to send it on to you? 🔹Many hotels now have keycards instead of keys to the room. What are the advantages/disadvantages? Have you ever lost a key/keycard and had to ask for a replacement? 🔹Many keycards also connect the lights inside the room. Have you ever had to phone reception to ask why the lights don't turn on, and been told, politely, that it's because you haven't inserted the keycard in the slot? 🔹Have you ever turned up at a hotel and had a problem with double-booking or overbooking? 🔹What irritates you most about a hotel (in order of bad to worst)? Bad service Small room Comfort (bed, layout, etc.) Lack of cleanliness Noise Parking problems Food Other reasons 🔹Have you ever got lost looking for a hotel or missed a flight and turned up really late at night?
ایجاد شده: 5/اسفند/1397 آخرین ویرایش: 12/اسفند/1397 آکادمی زبانHotels conversation questions 🔹Do you like staying at hotels? Why/why not? 🔹How often do you stay at hotels? Do you normally stay at hotels for work/for vacation? 🔹What's the longest you've ever stayed at the same hotel? Why were you there for so few/many nights? 🔹Have you ever been to a hotel for any of the following reasons: 🔸Weddings, receptions, etc.? 🔸Conferences, etc.? 🔸For lunch/dinner? 🔸Delayed or cancelled flight (paid by the airline)? 🔸Others? 🔹Have you ever worked at a hotel? 🔹Can you think of any advantages or disadvantages of working at a hotel? 🔹Some people like to travel with their own pillows? Do you? Do you know anyone who does? What is the advantage of having your own pillow? ◾️Types of hotels 🔹Are there many hotels in your country/where you live? What sorts of areas have the most hotels? 🔹Are there any historic or luxurious ones? Why is it so special? 🔹Have you ever stayed at a hotel near your home/in the same city/place you live? Why/why not? 🔹Have you stayed at many hotels? In cities? In the country/in the mountains/in the jungle? 🔹At the beach/on the coast? On a tropical island?
ایجاد شده: 5/اسفند/1397 آخرین ویرایش: 12/اسفند/1397 آکادمی زبانCheck-out / Getting to the airport 🤵🏻Hotel: Did you enjoy your stay with us? 👤Guest: Yes, very much so. However, I now need to get to the airport. I have a flight that leaves in about two hours, so what is the quickest way to get there? 🤵🏻 We do have a free airport shuttle service. 👤 That sounds great, but will it get me to the airport on time? 🤵🏻Yes, it should. The next shuttle leaves in 15 minutes, and it takes approximately 25 minutes to get to the airport. 👤Fantastic. I'll just wait in the lounge area. Will you please let me know when it will be leaving? 🤵🏻Of course, sir. Oh, before you go would you be able to settle the mini-bar bill? 👤 Oh yes certainly. How much will that be? 🤵🏻 Let's see. The bill comes to $37.50. How would you like to pay for that? 👤 I'll pay with my Visa thanks, but I'll need a receipt so I can charge it to my company. 🤵🏻 Absolutely. Here we are sir. If you like you can leave your bags with the porter and he can load them onto the shuttle for you when it arrives. 👤 That would be great thank you. 🤵🏻Would you like to sign the hotel guestbook too while you wait? 👤Sure, I had a really good stay here and I'll tell other people to come here. 🤵🏻That's good to hear. Thank you again for staying at The Grand Woodward Hotel.
ایجاد شده: 5/اسفند/1397 آخرین ویرایش: 12/اسفند/1397 آکادمی زبانChecking-In 🤵🏻Hotel: Good afternoon. Welcome to the Grand Woodward Hotel. How may I help you? 👤Guest: I have a reservation for today. It's under the name of Hannighan. 🤵🏻Can you please spell that for me, sir? 👤Sure. H-A-N-N-I-G-H-A-N. 🤵🏻Yes, Mr. Hannighan, we've reserved a double room for you with a view of the ocean for two nights. Is that correct? 👤Yes, it is. 🤵🏻Excellent. We already have your credit card information on file. If you'll just sign the receipt along the bottom, please. 👤 Whoa! Five hundred and ninety dollars a night! 🤵🏻 Yes, sir. We are a five star hotel after all. 👤Well, fine. I'm here on business anyway, so at least I'm staying on the company's dime. What's included in this cost anyway? 🤵🏻 A full Continental buffet every morning, free airport shuttle service, and use of the hotel's safe are all included. 👤 So what's not included in the price? 🤵🏻 Well, you will find a mini-bar in your room. Use of it will be charged to your account. Also, the hotel provides room service, at an additional charge of course. 👤 Hmm. Ok, so what room am I in? 🤵🏻 Room 487. Here is your key. To get to your room, take the elevator on the right up to the fourth floor. Turn left once you exit the elevator and your room will be on the left hand side. A bellboy will bring your bags up shortly. 👤 Great. Thanks. 🤵🏻 Should you have any questions or requests, please dial 'O' from your room. Also, there is internet available in the lobby 24 hours a day. 👤Ok, and what time is check-out? 🤵🏻 At midday, sir. 👤Ok, thanks. 🤵🏻 My pleasure, sir. Have a wonderful stay at the Grand Woodward Hotel.
ایجاد شده: 5/اسفند/1397 آخرین ویرایش: 12/اسفند/1397 آکادمی زبانMaking Reservations 🤵🏻Receptionist: Good morning. Welcome to The Grand Woodward Hotel. 👤Client: Hi, good morning. I'd like to make a reservation for the third weekend in September. Do you have any vacancies? 🤵🏻 Yes sir, we have several rooms available for that particular weekend. And what is the exact date of your arrival? 👤 The 24 th. 🤵🏻 How long will you be staying? 👤 I'll be staying for two nights. 🤵🏻How many people is the reservation for? 👤 There will be two of us. 🤵🏻 And would you like a room with twin beds or a double bed? 👤 A double bed, please. 🤵🏻 Great. And would you prefer to have a room with a view of the ocean? 👤 If that type of room is available, I would love to have an ocean view. What's the rate for the room? 🤵🏻 Your room is five hundred and ninety dollars per night. Now what name will the reservation be listed under? 👤 Charles Hannighan. 🤵🏻 Could you spell your last name for me, please? 👤 Sure. H-A-N-N-I-G-H-A-N 🤵🏻 And is there a phone number where you can be contacted? 👤 Yes, my cell phone number is 555-26386. 🤵🏻 Great. Now I'll need your credit card information to reserve the room for you. What type of card is it? 👤Visa. The number is 987654321. 🤵🏻And what is the name of the cardholder? 👤 Charles H. Hannighan. 🤵🏻 Alright, Mr. Hannighan, your reservation has been made for the twenty-fourth of September for a room with a double bed and view of the ocean. Check-in is at 2 o'clock. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call us. 👤Great, thank you so much. 🤵🏻 My pleasure. We'll see you in September, Mr. Hannighan. Have a nice day.
ایجاد شده: 5/اسفند/1397 آخرین ویرایش: 12/مرداد/1398 آکادمی زبانHousekeeping department is undoubtedly one of the most important departments in the hotel industry as its performance determines the guest satisfaction rate. The housekeeping department is by and large the biggest in the hotel industry, which makes it simple prey to execution failings, succumbing to a loss of control and quality. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, there are some basic mistakes that occur in this department. By identifying these problems and performing quick spot checks, both managers and housekeeping department supervisors can save time and effort. According to a survey by Michael Lynn who is a professor at the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, it is noted that, “30% of US hotel guests leave behind tips for the housekeeping staff. Depending on the level of extra service and hotel, tipping practices for housekeeping staff may range from $1-$5 per night.” Hence, it is important that your housekeeping staff puts the best foot forward and maintains good quality and conduct in the hotel. Guests will be happy and you will be happier!
ایجاد شده: 5/اسفند/1397 آخرین ویرایش: 12/اسفند/1397 آکادمی زباننمونه مکالمه انگلیسی در رستوران: گارسون غذای اشتباه برایتان می آورد 👨🏻💼گارسون: این هم سفارشتون، قربان. 👨🏻💼Waiter: Here is your order, sir. 👤شما: ممنون. اوه، می بخشید اما فکر می کنم من استیک سفارش دادم. این پاستا است. 👤You: Thanks. Oh, I am sorry but I think I ordered a steak. It’s pasta. 👨🏻💼اوه، متاسفم. فکر می کنم اشتباه متوجه شدم. همین الان با استیکتون بر می گردم. 👨🏻💼Oh, sorry about that. I think I misheard you. I will get straight back with your steak. 👤 ممنونم. اوه، همین الان متوجه شدم مویی در سالاد من هست. 👤 I would appreciate that. Oh, I just noticed that there is a hair in my salad. 👨🏻💼بابت ناراحتیتون متاسفم. الان براتون یک سالاد تازه میارم. 👨🏻💼Sorry for the inconvenience. I’ll get you a new salad. 👤در این صورت مشکل حل خواهد شد. ممنونم. 👤That would take care of it. Thank you.
ایجاد شده: 5/اسفند/1397 آخرین ویرایش: 12/اسفند/1397 آکادمی زبانuseful phrases for ordering a meal in a restaurant in English. ✅Booking "I booked a table for two for ... (8pm). "It's under the name of ..." "A table for two please." ✅What the restaurant staff say: "Of course. Please come this way." Or... "Your table isn't quite ready yet." "Would you like to wait in the bar?" "We're fully booked at the moment. Could you come back a bit later?" ✅Asking about the menu These are phrases you can ask the waiter if you aren't sure of something on the menu. "What's ... exactly?" "Is this served with ... (salad)?" "Does this have any ... (seafood) in it?" "What do you recommend?" ✅Ordering What the waiter says: "Are you ready to order?" "Can I take your order?" "Anything to drink?" "Would you like ... (chips) with that?" ✅What the customer says: "I'll have..." "I'd like..." "Can I have ..." "We'd like to order ..." 📍If there are problems with the order, the waiter can say: "I don't think we have any more ... (lobster) left. I'll check with the kitchen." "I'm sorry, but the king prawn soup is finished." ✅Dealing with problems The customer can say: "Excuse me, but I didn't order this." "I'm sorry, but this is cold." "Can I change my order please?" ✅The waiter can say: "I'm so sorry about that..." "Let me take it back for you." (take it back = return it to the kitchen) "Let me change it for you." ✅Getting the bill "Can we have the bill please?" "Could we get the bill?" "Could we pay please?" ("bill" in British English; "check" in American English.)
ایجاد شده: 5/اسفند/1397 آخرین ویرایش: 12/اسفند/1397 آکادمی زبانمکالمه انگلیسی در فرودگاه مکالمه زیر یک نمونه از مکالمه انگلیسی در فرودگاه هنگام چک این پرواز است. صبحتون بخیر. میتونم بلیط ها و پاسپورت هاتون رو بگیرم؟ Good morning. May I have your tickets and passports, please? بفرمایید. Here you are. فرد دیگه ای هم امروز با شما پرواز می کنه؟ Is anybody traveling with you today? بله، همسرم با من پرواز می کند. Yes, my wife will be traveling with me. چه تعداد چمدون تحویل می دید؟ How many pieces of luggage are you checking in? فقط 2 تا کیف. Just two bags. بسیار خب. می تونید کیفاتون رو اینجا بگذارید؟ All right. Can you place your bags up here? حتما Sure. و توجه داشته باشید، اگر وزن کیف هاتون از 40 کیلوگرم تجاوز کنه اضافه بار می خورید. And please notice, if your luggage exceeds 40 kilograms, you will have to pay surcharge. فکر می کنم وزن بارهام در حد همون 40 کیلو باشه. I think my luggage is within the 40 kilogram limit. خوبه. چند تا کیف با خودتون به داخل هواپیما می برید؟ Good. How many carry-on bags are you taking with you? فقط همین کیف. Just this bag. بسیارخب. صندلی کنار پنجره می خواهید یا صندلی کنار راهرو. Ok. Do you prefer window or aisle? صندلی کنار پنجره رو ترجیح می دم. می شه صندلی هامون به خروج اضطراری نزدیک تر باشه؟ I would rather a window seat please. Can I have our seats closest to the emergency exit” متاسفم. تمام اون صندلی ها پر شدند. I’m sorry. All those seats have been taken. بسیار خب. مشکلی نیست. Ok. No problem. این بلیط ها، کارت پرواز و یک برچسب امنیتی برای کیفتون. Here are your tickets, your boarding pass, and a security tag for your carry-on. ممنونم Thank you.
ایجاد شده: 5/اسفند/1397 آخرین ویرایش: 12/اسفند/1397 آکادمی زبان