"Mohammad Sadegh Barati" Deputy Governor of Khorasan Razavi All accommodation centers are licensed to reopen, but many are reluctant to do so. About 600 centers have now reopened, which also have a few guests and occupancy rates are low. The city of Mashhad has not had any foreign pilgrims since the beginning of March and the outbreak of coronavirus.
Create: Jun 23, 2020 Edit: Jun 23, 2020 Regional NewsSince the beginning of this year, the agreement has been issued for the construction of four hotels and hotel-apartments in Tabriz. With the completion of the construction of these 4 projects and their operation, 257 jobs will be created
Create: Jun 16, 2020 Edit: Jun 16, 2020 Regional NewsAfter three months of silence on the main streets and squares of Venice, life returned to the city on Saturday with the reopening of the Duke's Palace. About 1,000 tickets were booked online on the opening day of Duke's Palace. Italy has been opening its borders since the beginning of June to revive the tourism industry.
Create: Jun 15, 2020 Edit: Jun 18, 2020 International News