Technique 181 Understand When to Mention Your Hotel’s Name When Responding to Consumer Blogs; When responding to a negative online review, the name of the hotel should never be mentioned in the response. Con- versely, when responding to a positive online review, the name of the hotel should always be mentioned in the response. Technique 182 Understand When to Use “I” or “We” When Responding to Consumer Blogs; When responding to a negative online review, the hotel manager should use ‘I’ in the online response (e.g., ‘I will look into this issue’). The use of the word “I” signals owner- ship of the problem and resolution. On the other hand, when responding to a positive online review, the manager should use ‘we’ to spread the credit among the staff (e.g., ‘we are very glad that you enjoyed your stay’). Technique 183 Paraphrase the Problem When Responding to Negative Consumer Blogs; When responding to a negative online review, the hotel manager should paraphrase the guest’s concern in the online response. Such paraphrasing communicates to all those read- ing the response that the hotel has good listening skills. Technique 184 Include a ‘Relate’ Statement When Responding to Negative Consumer Blogs; When responding to a negative online review, the hotel manager should attempt to include a statement detailing how s/he can relate to the problem being communicated by the guest. Including a ‘relate’ statement communicates to all those reading the response that the hotel is empathetic to guests’ concerns. Technique 185 Require One New Idea Per Week; At every weekly management meeting, one manager should be required to share an innovative idea with the group that has never been attempted in the hotel. Technique 186 Graph Guest Problems According to Frequency and Seriousness; Guest problems should be tracked and plotted on a graph according to their frequency and seriousness. A cross-depart- mental team of 6–8 line-level associates and managers should be created to derive strategies for fixing the most pressing problems based upon frequency and/or seriousness. Technique 187 Text Mine Consumer Blogs for Trends; Hotel management should contract with a 3rd party ven- dor (e.g., Revinate) so that consumers’ blog postings can be analyzed for trends. Many of these 3rd party vendor products also enable management to monitor trends in competitors’ blog postings. Technique 188 Data Mine the Centralized Reservations System for Trends; Hotel management should data mine its centralized res- ervation system to identify non-obvious patterns and trends in guests’ habits and preferences. The results of such data mining can be used to better serve guests, but also to build an enhanced understanding of proper timing and placement of marketing messages. Chain affiliated hotels likely already have data mining services available to them. Managers at inde- pendent hotels can be taught some basic data mining func- tions by a consultant. The extent of data mining capabilities offered by 3rd party management companies appears to vary widely across the industry. Technique 189 Utilize the Front Desk as a Listening Post; Front desk associates should consider their work area a “listening post” from which they can overhear conversations between guests. Many guests may be reluctant to actively voice complaints to hotel staff, but discuss various issues among themselves (e.g., the ice machine was too noisy; the sidewalks leading to the parking lot were too icy). Such information should be entered into the logbook and denoted as “listening post feedback.”
Create: Sep 5, 2020 Edit: Oct 18, 2020 Hotel ManagementAli Asghar Monesan, Minister of Tourism; At national level, it is often argued that travel intensifies the corona. Lack of social distance, congestion and not wearing a mask are the main causes of the prevalence and travel has the least impact. In a letter to the President, I have emphasized that if this trend continues, the tourism industry will suffer irreparable damage.
Create: Sep 5, 2020 Edit: Sep 5, 2020 Regional NewsChalous Governor Mohammad Nasser Zandi explained; About 1,200 billion tomans of investment has been predicted for the construction of this five-star hotel. Over the past two years, with the support of executive officials, the investor has obtained a construction permit and part of the initial operations have been carried out. This hotel will be built on a land with an area of more than 26,000 square meters, infrastructure of more than 71,000 square meters on 12 floors with a capacity of 500 beds.
Create: Aug 29, 2020 Edit: Aug 29, 2020 Regional News"Hossein Arbabi", the director of the Tourism and Automobile Association, announced; A loan of 500 billion Tomans has been approved by the Board of Directors of Mellat Bank and there is a possibility of increasing it to 20,000 billion Tomans. The loan payback, with an interest rate of 4%, is also postponed for four months and its repayment period is eight months, which can be a factor in stimulating the market and demand. The memorandum will be finalized in the next few days, and by injecting it into the tourism sector, the risk of banks paying for facilities to tourism facilities will be reduced.
Create: Aug 29, 2020 Edit: Aug 29, 2020 Regional News"Abdolmalek Shanbehzadeh" Director General of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Ilam Province; The purpose of this project is to evaluate and rank the tourism brands of the tourist city. With the support of affiliated departments and the private sector, including the Iran Tourism Development Company, which has announced its readiness to evaluate and design the city, this project will be runn in the province in the near future.
Create: Aug 29, 2020 Edit: Aug 29, 2020 Regional News"Seyed Mostafa Fatemi" General Manager of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Yazd Province; During the past years, in various ceremonies during Muharram, we have witnessed a significant increase in the number of tourists in Yazd. It has been decided to make it possible to communicate with travelers who have traveled to Yazd in recent years. In fact, this year we are looking to direct tourists to see the religious tourism of Yazd as virtual.
Create: Aug 27, 2020 Edit: Aug 27, 2020 Regional NewsThe Secretary of the Association of Airlines stated; Although Turkey has announced that it will resume flights to Iran from September 1, but there is a possibility that flights will be canceled on this date. People should be careful not to buy tickets at the moment, because if the flights are canceled, refunds from foreign airlines will cause problems for them.
Create: Aug 26, 2020 Edit: Aug 26, 2020 Regional NewsMaghsoud Asadi Samani, Secretary of the Association of Airlines, announced; Turkish Airline has announced that it will start operating flights to Iran from the beginning of September. Naturally, when the flights of this company are established, the flights of Iranian airlines to Turkey will also be established. The airline of the Islamic Republic of Iran has established flights to Spain and flights to Italy have been operational since August. Iran Air has also obtained a German flight permission and we are waiting for the announcement of the German Ministry of Health to give us a license.
Create: Aug 26, 2020 Edit: Aug 26, 2020 Regional News"Fereydoun Allahyari", General Manager of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Isfahan Province, explained; The plan to compile a calendar of tourism events based on cultural events has been carried out by a research team and the collective cooperation of elites for at least four centuries. These cultural events are arranged according to the times from March to the end of February each year, and based on it, it is possible to plan to attract tourists throughout the year.
Create: Aug 25, 2020 Edit: Aug 25, 2020 Regional News