The world’s 5th largest hotel group presents its new platform: HLab, the purpose of this open, flexible ecosystem is to bring the Group’s strategic focus into contact more quickly with the innovative ideas of its start-up partners. Communicating and working with external innovation pioneers is a veritable challenge for a major group. Louvre Hotels Group has stepped up to the plate with a solid, open approach to innovation. For over a year, their dedicated team has provided clear strategic focus and a pragmatic collaboration method leading very quickly to shared success with the start-ups. HLab is the name of this platform 100% dedicated to new intelligent businesses. We had a threefold objective when we launched HLab a year ago: Reach outside of the company for skills that could be valuable for the Group Prove that we were capable of testing, rolling out and scaling an innovative solution developed in collaboration with an external partner. Generate an innovative spririt internally " HLab is the first building block of our long-term innovation strategy. Today, we can be proud of what we have accomplished because we are in line with the stated objectives and ready to enter the next, ambitious phase of the adventure." Quang Thai, Vice President Strategy and Innovation Source : Louvre Hotels Group
Create: Oct 15, 2018 Edit: Oct 15, 2018 International News Lotte Group appears to be accelerating its plan to list the shares of Hotel Lotte, which holds considerable stakes in Lotte Property and Development and other key group units, since Chairman Shin Dong-bin was released from jail on Oct. 5, industry analysts said Friday. Korea's fifth-largest conglomerate has been trying to create a holding company structure for the past few years, with Lotte Corp. at the top holding majority stakes in shopping, chemical, construction and other subsidiaries. Then, Chairman Shin, who has a 10.5 percent stake in Lotte Corp., will control all the group's units. Taking public Hotel Lotte, which Lotte Holdings in Japan currently controls, has been the key to completing the holding company structure in Korea because it reduces Lotte Holdings' stake in the nation's largest hotel chain. After the shares of Hotel Lotte are floated on the local bourse, the group reportedly plans to combine it with Lotte Corp. to create a new holding firm. To jumpstart the largely stalled process to take Hotel Lotte public, Lotte Corp. on Oct. 10 decided to acquire a 23.24 percent stake in Lotte Chemical from two affiliates of Lotte Property and Development (11.27 percent) and Hotel Lotte (11.98 percent) in separate block deals. The deals were worth 2.23 trillion won ($1.96 billion). Under the deal, the holding firm said its stake investment in Lotte Chemical will help diversify its business portfolio, which currently focuses on retail, food and beverage s. The deals came just five days after Shin was freed from detention as an appellate court suspended his sentence of corruption charges. He had been in jail since February for involvement in a corruption scandal of the impeached former President Park Geun-hye. Upon his release, Shin said: "I will make enhanced efforts on the improvement of the group's ownership structure, which has been delayed so far." Over the move, analysts said Lotte will increase momentum in addressing remaining tasks for ownership restructuring, such as embracing Lotte Chemical into the holding firm structure and the IPO of Hotel Lotte.
Create: Oct 15, 2018 Edit: Oct 15, 2018 International News This Book Explains The Basic Principles Of Economics And Highlights The Application Of These Principles To Hotel Management. The Efficacy Of Economic Principles At Both The Micro And Macro Levels In The Hotel Industry Is Emphasised Throughout The Book.The Discussion Of The Concepts Is Illustrated Through Appropriate Examples, Diagrams And Flowcharts For An Easier Understanding.The Book Would Serve As An Useful Text For Students Of Economics And Hotel And Tourism Management. Download The book here File Code:
Create: Oct 14, 2018 Edit: Feb 10, 2019 International Books