✨ "Ahmad Amirabadi Farahani" Representative of the people of Qom and member of the Presidium of the Islamic Consultative Assembly; 🔹 The difference between some Qom officials in the field of tourism and pilgrimage facilities is not interesting because it has led to the lack of a tourism working group in the province. 🔹 Statistics show that out of 60 hotels in Qom, only 15%, ie 9 hotels, are active with a very limited capacity.
Create: Nov 6, 2020 Edit: Nov 6, 2020 Regional News💫 A new corona wave and a redesign of a question ⭕️ Are hotels becoming a convalescent home for Coronavirus patients? ✨ "Massoud Mardani" Member of the Scientific Committee of the Corona Headquarters; 🔹 Many hotels can be a good convalescent home for coronary patients. 🔹 Of course, this is conditional on the government helping, because it has a lot of expenses. 🔹 Many non-private hotels in the country can provide good services to coronary patients. 🔹 Many hotels are under the control of the government and these days they have to fulfill their social responsibility to the people.
Create: Nov 6, 2020 Edit: Nov 6, 2020 Regional News🔹 Machupicchu, Peru's famous tourist destination, has opened to visitors after months of closure due to the outbreak of the Corona virus. 🔹 Currently, due to the need to comply with health protocols, only 675 people will be allowed to enter this place daily. 🔹 Under normal circumstances, more than 5,000 people visited this historic site, which plays an important role in Peru's tourism, daily.
Create: Nov 4, 2020 Edit: Nov 6, 2020 International News🔹 Russia's hotel revenue fell 60 percent in October, according to a study by IT company OFD Platform. 🔹 The company's experts attribute the decline in sales of hotel services in the fall to coronary restrictions and a sharp decline in tourism. 🔹 On the other hand, with the development of telecommuting methods, the volume of business trips and consequently the income of hotels has drastically decreased.
Create: Nov 2, 2020 Edit: Nov 4, 2020 International News🔹 The police commander of Qom province announced the arrest of a seller of fake plane tickets in Qom. 🔹 A person from one of the travel agent offices has prepared tickets for 28 people from Tehran to Karachi for 2 billion and 500 million Rials, but when reached airport, noticed that the tickets were fake. 🔹 According to surveys, the office manager, due to his physical condition, rents the place to someone for 4 months, and this person also rents it only for fraud.
Create: Nov 2, 2020 Edit: Nov 2, 2020 Regional News✨ Report on the results of the research of the Statistics and Strategic Information Center of the Ministry of Labor, Cooperation and Social Welfare; 🔹 The number of employees in the spring of this year compared to the spring of last year has decreased by 9.7 percent. 🔹 In the hotels and restaurants sector, the trend of the number of employees has fluctuated until 1393, but since 1394, it has had an increasing trend.
Create: Oct 31, 2020 Edit: Oct 31, 2020 Regional News✨ Jalil Jabbari, director general of this province's cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts, said; 🔹 Of this amount, 538 billion rials are related to tourism and 500 billion rials are related to investment. 🔹 Since the beginning of the corona outbreak in the province, 579 personnel have been dismissed in the handicrafts and tourism sectors of the province. 🔹 Last year, the occupancy rate of hotels in the province was 60%, but this year it has reached less than 10%.
Create: Oct 28, 2020 Edit: Oct 28, 2020 Regional News🔹 Lufthansa has announced a sharp drop in flights in the winter due to the corona. 🔹 The world's second-largest airline predicts the grounding of another 125 aircraft, which will cause its shares to decrease. 🔹 According to Lufthansa executives, the number of passengers has decreased by 80% compared to last year.
Create: Oct 28, 2020 Edit: Oct 28, 2020 International News✨ "Amirpooyan Rafiei-Shad", the president of the Tehran Association of Travel Services Offices, explained; 🔹 The travel market is in complete shutdown and the number of applicants for travel by tour or purchase from a travel agency is very small. 🔹 There is limited demand for domestic travel in person, but not to the extent that it shakes the travel market or supports the tourism industry. 🔹 There is also a very limited demand for nature tourism, which is mostly done through friendly and free groups.
Create: Oct 28, 2020 Edit: Oct 28, 2020 Regional News✨ The Director of Tourism and Handicrafts of the Tourism and Automobile Association of the Islamic Republic of Iran announced; 🔹 The Fitur International Tourism Fair has been postponed until May 2021 in order to ensure the health of the participants and control the virus. 🔹 According to this decision, the Fitur International Exhibition will be held from 19 to 23 May 2021.
Create: Oct 26, 2020 Edit: Oct 26, 2020 International News✨ The head of the country's aviation organization announced; 🔹 It has been decided to allocate half of the currency to the airline in the form of a committee in the National Anti-Corona Headquarters so that the price of the plane ticket does not increase. 🔹 So far, plans have been made to reimburse the foreign and domestic currency of the National Coronavirus Headquarters.
Create: Oct 26, 2020 Edit: Oct 26, 2020 Regional News🔹 Spain which has always been considered the second most visited country in the world, has seen a sharp decline in tourist attractions and revenue in recent months. 🔹 Last year (2019) and between June and August, nearly 29 million tourists from around the world visited the country. 🔹 This number decreased by just over 5 million in 2020, with 23 million and 700 thousand people.
Create: Oct 26, 2020 Edit: Oct 26, 2020 International News