Vali Teymouri, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Head of the Central Headquarters for Coordination of Travel Services, announced; In June, 5 million and 703 thousand and 679 people have been registered as person per night in the official accommodation centers of Iran. According to the statistics announced last month, Mazandaran province has the highest rate of accommodation.
Create: Jun 28, 2020 Edit: Jun 28, 2020 Regional News"Mohammad Reza Chersi Zadeh" President of Hormozgan Hoteliers Association; With the Corona outbreak, hotels have been closed and many are still unopened. The reopening of hotels in these weather conditions and the low season of travel to this province is a reason that there is no economic justification. Instead of offering a 12 percent loan, the government should reduce hotel taxes to zero.
Create: Jun 23, 2020 Edit: Jun 23, 2020 Regional News210 billion tomans have been invested in tourism projects in Bushehr province. Construction of two 4- and 5-star hotels and a traditional accommodation are among the tourism projects under construction in Bushehr province. With the operation of these projects, 500 rooms and 1280 beds will be added to the accommodation capacity of Bushehr province and employment will be created for 163 people.
Create: Jun 16, 2020 Edit: Jun 16, 2020 Regional News"Mohammad Reza Charcizadeh", the head of Hormozgan Hoteliers Association, said in an interview with HotelNews; The two factors of climatic and weather conditions and red alert in Hormozgan province in terms of coronavirus, have forced us to see the travelers and tourists wont come into the province these days. Of course, the conditions on the islands of Kish and Qeshm are different, but the hotels in Bandar Abbas are empty of passengers these days.
Create: Jun 10, 2020 Edit: Jun 10, 2020 Regional NewsRussia's Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko has said; The reopening of borders and the travel of international tourists to Russia will begin on July. The heads of the regions and provinces of the Republic of Russia will plan the start of the tourist season until June 15th. The planning will be carried out with the participation of the Federal Agency for Tourism, the Consumer Protection Organization and the Russian Ministry of Health.
Create: Jun 9, 2020 Edit: Jun 11, 2020 International News"Abdul Hamid Hamidi," the head of the Hoteliers Association of Kurdistan Province, explained in an interview with HotelNews; The hotels in the province are in good condition every year and experience a occupancy rate of 70 to 80 percent. Due to the reopening of tourism facilities and accommodation centers, this year we have witnessed a significant presence of travelers and tourists in the province. However, the publication of contradictory news regarding the closure of tourist facilities and the non-acceptance of travelers, especially in the Oramanat region, caused this rate to decrease by 20 to 30 percent. In general, hotels and accommodation centers in the province have experienced a 50 to 60 percent occupancy rate over the past few days.
Create: Jun 8, 2020 Edit: Jun 8, 2020 Regional News"Cyrus Gol-Anbar" the head of the Kermanshah Hoteliers Association announced in an interview with Hotel News; The occupancy rate of hotels in the province during the Eid al-Fitr holiday varied from 10 to 30 percent and averaged 20 percent. The situation is in a way that several hotels are still closed despite the issuance of the necessary permits due to lack of economic justification.
Create: Jun 8, 2020 Edit: Jun 8, 2020 Regional News"Jafar Bazari," the head of the Ardabil Hoteliers Association, told HotelNews; The average occupancy rate of hotels in the province over the past few days has been at best 10%. Unfortunately, guesthouses and unauthorized centers are operating freely and without any supervision or control. The decisions of the Coronavirus Management Headquarter regarding dealing with these centers are valid only on paper.
Create: Jun 8, 2020 Edit: Jun 8, 2020 Regional NewsAlireza Raeisi, Vice President of the Isfahan Hoteliers Association, stated; Some sites and news agencies have misrepresented a statement in recent days, reflecting it differently. News related to the closure of hotels and the non-acceptance of guests by the Isfahan Hoteliers Association is not approved. All tourism facilities in Isfahan province are open and ready to provide services to tourists.
Create: Jun 5, 2020 Edit: Jun 5, 2020 Regional NewsThe head of the professional community of hoteliers in Khorasan Razavi province explained; The General Director of Cultural Heritage Office estimates the occupancy rate according to reopened hotels, and we calculate based on all hotels. There is no difference in what actually happened because the percentage of occupation is less than 6% or 12%. Five-star hotels must have more than 60 percent occupancy, four-star hotels more than 50 percent, and three- and two-star hotels more than 30 percent to be profitable.
Create: Jun 5, 2020 Edit: Jun 5, 2020 Regional News"Dr. Hossein Farshidi" President of Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences; We may allocate one to two hotels in the province to quarantine patients with Coronavirus disease.
Create: Jun 4, 2020 Edit: Jun 4, 2020 Regional News"Mohammad Mehdi Rajaei" Vice President of the Travel Services Association of Yazd Province; With the spread of the coronavirus and the closure of offices, the activity of illegal tours has increased. The functioning of official agencies has been overshadowed and has become a problem for tourism. Unauthorized travel tours receive lower amounts due to lack of fees such as staff salaries, passenger insurance, taxes, rent, etc
Create: May 29, 2020 Edit: May 29, 2020 Regional News