Hotel News Edycation Group - Human Resource Management for the Hospitality and Tourism Industries 3rd Edition, takes an integrated look at HRM policies and practices in the tourism and hospitality industries. It looks at the specific employment practices of these industries, such as how to manage tour reps or working in the airline industry and covers core topics including: recruitment and selection, legislation and equal opportunities, staff health and welfare and remuneration strategies in the industry. This 3rd edition has been fully updated with: new legal information, data, statistics and examples new material on flexible working, absent management, skills shortages, stress management and employee motivation. new international examples of best practice Written in a user friendly style, each chapter includes chapter outlines and objectives, HRM in practice boxed examples, reflective review questions, web links, discussion questions and further reading to aid understanding and test knowledge. Online resources for both lecturers and students are available including: MCQs, PPTs, commentaries on thereview and reflect questions from each chapter and case study ar chive. Download the book here File Code:
Create: Oct 13, 2018 Edit: Feb 10, 2019 International BooksHotel News - During a gathering held last night (Sunday, October 7th) with the presence of the chairman and board members of Iran Hotel Association of Iran at Zarrin Hall, the Parsian Azadi Hotel. The efforts of executives Committee and personals of The First National Conference of Iran Hoteliers, esp. Hotel News Event Group which was the event planner, were appreciated and admired. The pictures are attached.
Create: Oct 8, 2018 Edit: Oct 15, 2018 Regional News