Official news agency of Iran Hotel Industry
 Main page / Regional News / The construction of a hotel adjacent to Ali Sadr Cave prevents its global registration
The construction of a hotel adjacent to Ali Sadr Cave prevents its global registration - Picture 1

The construction of a hotel adjacent to Ali Sadr Cave prevents its global registration

Create: Sep 6, 2020     Edit: Sep 6, 2020

"Ali Malmir" General Manager of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Hamadan Province;

The construction of a hotel near Ali Sadr Cave is an obstacle to world registration and has no justification for UNESCO. 

The General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Tourism opposed the construction of the hotel and legal action was taken, but the operation license was issued by Dehyari. 

جایگاه تبلیغات گروه جامع و تخصصی هتل نیوز 3 جایگاه تبلیغات گروه جامع و تخصصی هتل نیوز 4

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