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Jerusalem to vaccinate hotel workers in preparation for renewed tourism - Picture 1

Jerusalem to vaccinate hotel workers in preparation for renewed tourism

Create: Feb 9, 2021     Edit: Feb 9, 2021

The Jerusalem Municipality, at the initiative of Mayor Moshe Leon, will begin vaccinating all hotel employees in the capital tomorrow (Tuesday).

The vaccinations will be held in the coming days in a concentrated manner, for all HMO members in all the vaccination complexes throughout the city.

Hotel workers, who have not yet been vaccinated, can come to the vaccine complexes to be vaccinated against the corona virus.

Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon said that "during this period we are preparing to open tourism in the city of Jerusalem as soon as we are allowed to open by the government."

"During this period, we are preparing the tourism industry for a quick and safe opening as soon as possible. All hotel employees are asked to come to the vaccination complexes. Only together can we win," Leon said.

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